
Understanding Payout Models: Why Pay-Per-Call Pays More


If you’re an affiliate, then you’ll know that payout models are key. How you, as an affiliate, get paid can make a huge difference to your income. Traditionally, many affiliates are familiar with models like Cost Per Action (CPA) or Cost Per Click (CPC), but there’s a rising star in the industry: Pay-Per-Call (PPC) marketing.

Pay-Per-Call is a lucrative industry model where affiliates earn money every time a qualified lead calls a business’s phone number, which they have promoted. In this article, we’ll explore why the Pay-Per-Call model is fast becoming a top choice for affiliates, and why it often pays more than other common models.

The Basics of Affiliate Payout Models

Before diving into the specifics of Pay-Per-Call, let’s look at a quick overview of the more common affiliate payout models:

  • Cost Per Action (CPA): The affiliate is paid when a user completes an action, like filling out a form or making a purchase.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): Payment is made when a user clicks on an affiliate link, even if no sale or action is completed.
  • Revenue Share: Affiliates earn a percentage of the sales they help generate.
  • These models have been around for years and can be very profitable, but they come with their challenges. For one, driving traffic and getting people to take action often requires a lot of effort. It can take time to build up enough clicks or actions to earn significant money. This is where Pay-Per-Call stands apart.

    What Is Pay-Per-Call?

    Pay-Per-Call is a model where affiliates earn a commission every time a qualified lead calls a business’s phone number. These leads are typically higher in quality because the act of making a call shows a strong intent to engage with the product or service. Unlike clicks, where users might be casually browsing, a phone call indicates that the user is further along in their decision-making process.

    In a Pay-Per-Call campaign, the affiliate’s job is to drive potential customers to make a call using the unique phone number provided in the campaign. The advertiser only pays the affiliate if the call meets certain criteria – for example, the call must last for a minimum amount of time, or it must be from a certain geographic area.

    Why Pay-Per-Call Pays More

    So, why does Pay-Per-Call often offer higher payouts compared to other models? Here are some key reasons:

    1. Higher Intent from Leads

    When someone makes a phone call, they’re usually serious about solving a problem or buying a product. This makes phone calls much more valuable to businesses than clicks or form submissions. Since these leads are closer to converting, advertisers are willing to pay more for them.

    For instance, imagine you’re promoting insurance services. If someone clicks a banner ad, they may just be browsing for options. But if they pick up the phone and call an insurance company, they are likely ready to purchase or at least speak with a representative. Businesses see much more value in this level of intent, and they reward affiliates accordingly.

    2. Fewer Wasted Leads

    Clicks and form submissions can lead to a lot of unqualified leads. People may click on a link out of curiosity, or submit a form with incorrect information just to see what happens. Phone calls, on the other hand, often filter out these unqualified leads. The act of calling requires more effort, and businesses know they are getting more serious prospects. This higher lead quality means businesses are willing to pay affiliates significantly more per lead.

    3. **Larger Commissions**

    Pay-Per-Call offers larger commissions than many other models, often in the range of £10 to £200 per qualified call, depending on the industry. Compare this to a typical CPA offer, which might pay £1-£5 per lead, or CPC campaigns that might pay pennies per click. The gap in payout potential is clear.

    For example, industries like legal services, insurance, home services, and travel are known to offer large Pay-Per-Call payouts because the value of each customer is very high. If a business stands to make thousands from a single sale, they are more than happy to pay an affiliate £50 or more for a quality lead who calls their sales team.

    4. Scalable and Measurable

    Pay-Per-Call campaigns are highly measurable, with clear tracking metrics like call duration, location, and customer interactions. This allows advertisers to quickly determine the quality of the leads and adjust their payouts to match. Affiliates, in turn, benefit from clear data on which campaigns are working, making it easier to scale their efforts.

    Should You Make the Switch to Pay-Per-Call?

    If you’re an affiliate looking to maximize your earnings, Pay-Per-Call is definitely worth considering. The model offers several advantages: higher payouts, better lead quality, and the potential to earn large commissions in lucrative industries.

    However, success in Pay-Per-Call depends on the ability to drive high-quality traffic that converts into phone calls. This requires a focus on targeted marketing strategies, such as using specific keywords, creating call-focused ads, and understanding the audience’s needs.

    Final Thoughts

    When it comes to affiliate marketing, Pay-Per-Call is emerging as a powerful payout model for affiliates seeking higher commissions. Its ability to deliver high-intent leads, combined with larger payouts, makes it a standout option, especially in industries where customers prefer talking to a representative.

    If you’re tired of chasing clicks and form submissions, and want to increase your earnings with fewer wasted leads, Pay-Per-Call might just be the solution you’ve been looking for.